1. 具有良好的职业道德和团队协作精神,了解国际高等教育的发展状况,对中国高等教育的现状和中外合作办学有着一定的了解。
2. 具有相应专业的博士学位和至少一年的海外留学或工作经历。
3. 具有海内外高校(科研机构)相应专业的高级职称和五年以上从事教学工作的经历。
4. 具有广泛的国际学术联系,对相应专业的国际前沿有较好地了解。
5. 全职或兼职均可,但每年在西塔学院工作的时间不少于6个月。
2. 实行年薪制,30-40万元人民币/年。其他如住宿条件等可面议。
有意者请在2017年10月31日前,将学术简历、三名推荐专家的详细联系方式和其他相关支撑材料发送至 lty@swu.edu.cn(西塔学院行政事务部主任李嬿),并同时抄送至 zhangzl@swu.edu.cn(西塔学院院长张自力教授)
Westa College Southwest University (Chongqing, China): Top Educators to Supervise Teaching
In line with its commitment to first-rate education, Westa College, a new Australian-Chinese undergraduate college in Chongqing, China, seeks four experienced professors, preferably from outside China, with at least near-native English fluency, to be Teaching Quality Supervisors. Supervisors are sought for supervising and teaching in Westa’s four majors: biotechnology, food quality and safety, electronic engineering and economics. Appointments may begin as early as January 2018.
The College
Westa College Southwest University, jointly established by Southwest University of Chongqing, China, the University of Western Australia and the University of Tasmania, is the first Sino-Australian joint undergraduate institution approved by the Chinese Ministry of Education (under the new Regulations on Sino-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools). Westa, aiming to be at the forefront of Sino-Australian higher education and a model for international joint institutions in China plans to employ successful curricular and pedagogical practices from throughout the world as well as from its three founding universities. In doing so, it seeks to educate smart creatives for the globally connected jobs of the future.
Job Responsibilities
1. Survey and draw upon the curricula of international universities, including UWA, UTAS and SWU to develop and continue to offer world-class curricula at Westa College, ensuring students’ smooth transition to global study.
2. Ensure that highly qualified faculty are teaching effectively at Westa, according to global standards codified by the Chinese and Australian governments, UWA, UTAS and SWU.
3. Monitor teaching practices and assist faculty, especially junior faculty, to teach as effectively as possible—and participate in the development of measures of effective teaching. Report problems to the college dean in timely fashion accompanied by suggestions for improvement.
4. Teach at least one course in the supervisor’s field that models effective teaching.
5. Complete other assigned administrative tasks related to the quality of teaching at West College.
Position Requirements
1. Exemplary professional ethics and ability to work in teams, eagerness to develop expertise in recent developments in international higher education as well as in Chinese higher education and Sino-Foreign Cooperation in Running Schools.
2. A doctoral degree and at least one year of experience outside of China (may include the candidate’s home country).
3. Rank of associate or full professor level, with at least five years teaching experience.
4. International academic contacts (including in the candidate’s home country), familiarity with international research frontiers in the candidate’s field.
5. Full-time commitment is preferable (flexible but in total approximately normal business hours, based on a ten-month academic calendar). Part-time commitment is acceptable with minimum 6 months per year at Westa College.
Term and Salary
1. Three-year, renewable contracts (including a first probationary year).
2. Annual salary up to RMB 400,000, payable monthly. Health coverage, air-conditioned accommodations and transportation and reasonable moving expenses for applicant and immediate family, with free Chinese educational opportunities for children, with return expenses paid only upon completion of final contract year.
To Apply
Applicant should send the resume, detailed contact information of three referees and other supportive documents to wangycn@swu.edu.cn (Dr. Wang Yong, Assistant to the Dean of Westa College), with a copy to zhangzl@swu.edu.cn (Professor Zhang Zili, Dean of Westa College) before October 31, 2017.
For further details, please feel free to contact Dr. Wang Yong via Email (wangycn@swu.edu.cn) or phone (+86-15123276712).