2013年08月08日13:41 来源:搜狐出国
SOHU Hostess’s Question for Jeffrey Lehman: As a whole, all of the joint venture universities, which combine with Chinese and foreign university, still have been brought into the general higher education system in China. Therefore, it is possible that the joint venture university is still lack of the autonomy in school-running. And some experts think that such a joint venture university cannot make as much stimulation for the competition among the Chinese universities as we expected. What’s your opinion regarding the above issue?
Jeffrey. Lehman(上海纽约大学常务副校长):我认为我们现在处于高等教育改革当中的一个重要时刻。中国国家领导层为中国大学设定了非常远大的目标。为了实现这些目标,国家领导提出他们希望看到中国高等教育改革的试验。而其中有些试验正在中国非常优秀的大学中进行,例如北京大学、清华大学、复旦大学、上海交通大学。还有另外一种改革的试验则是我们所正在进行中的与国外大学合作办学的方式。教育管理部门、上海市及其浦东新区的领导都鼓励我们要大胆地创新,可以尝试一些以前没有做过的事情,虽然有些尝试可能会成功,有些可能会失败。
Jeffrey Sean Lehman(Vice Chancellor of NYU Shanghai):I think we are in the middle of a very important time in Chinese higher education. The leadership of the country has set very ambitious goals for Chinese universities between now and 2020. And in order to achieve those goals, they have said they would like to see experiments of Chinese higher education. Some of these experiments are taking place inside some of China’s very best universities, Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, all of them are launching experiments in how they teach to do things differently and to do things better. Another way for experiments to happen is through this joint venture of universities. And we have been asked by the leaders of the administrative education and by the leaders of the city of Shanghai and the districts of Pudong, to be involved to do things which are different. Some might work, some might fail.
And we are going to do that, so we have an entirely different approach to the way we teach our students in the first year. Students do not have their major before they start at NYU Shanghai, they will not select their major until after the first year of classes. And during the first year of the classes, they will take courses in intellectual history that view ideas from the perspective of east and west together, they will take courses in science that combines physics, chemistry and biology into a single set of courses. They’ll be learning their English and they’ll be learning their Chinese depending on what country they come from. And they’ll be working hard together on the skills of cross-culture communications. We have not been told anything by the administrative education other than go forward try experiment and contribute to the continuous development and improvement of the higher education in China.
SOHU Hostess’s Question for Jeffrey Lehman: Have you ever paid any attention to the South University of Science And Technology of China (SUSTC)? Have you known the tests of the reform of the higher education by SUSTC in China? What’s your opinion regarding the reform process by SUSTC?
Jeffrey. Lehman(上海纽约大学常务副校长):我当然非常关注南科大的进展,他们也是我刚才提到的中国高等教育改革潮流当中很重要的一部分。在中国有很多这种改革的尝试者,有些尝试失败了,但是南方科技大学中有些尝试成功了。同样我认为上海纽约大学有些尝试可能会成功,有些尝试可能会失败。我们需要从失败中吸取教训以不断改善自己。我们要从别人一些不成功的案例中来获得经验,同时其他人也可以从我们的失败中获得教训。这是一个创新的过程,这个创新的过程要求接受犯错的可能性,最关键的一点就是要从这些错误中吸取教训。
Jeffrey Sean Lehman(Vice Chancellor of NYU Shanghai):Yes, I know SUSTC. I think that the South University of Science And Technology is part of this movement that I have been talking about. Well, in China, there is designer of experiment to try things, some of things they tried will not succeed, some of the things that tried by the South University of Science And Technology worked, some of them failed. I expected that NYU Shanghai, we’ll have some things which will work, some things we’ll fail. And we have to learn from our mistakes and continue to improve. We also are learning from their mistakes too. And others will be able to learn from my mistakes. It’s a process of innovation and the kind of process of innovation requires that they’ll be ready to accept the possibilities of mistakes, and the key is how well you learn from the mistakes to continuously improve.
SOHU Hostess’s Question for Jeffrey Lehman: What are your expectations for the level of the influence brought by NYU Shanghai to the reform of the higher education in China?
Jeffrey. Lehman(上海纽约大学常务副校长):我认为上海纽约大学正在进行的一系列改革非常激动人心。第一个改革元素是我们所提供的通识教育。通识教育的一大特点就是学生的知识面既要博又要专,每个学生都要学习人类学、社会科学、自然科学、数学、外语等其他课程。通识教育还会训练学生发展批判性思维。同时,通识教育能为学生们提供一个机会,让他们在做出选择专业的决定之前,能先尝试一下高等教育的各个方面,以明白自己喜欢做什么,再定下自己的专业往深层次发展。
Jeffrey Sean Lehman(Vice Chancellor of NYU Shanghai):So what we are doing or emphasizing in NYU Shanghai are the set of the reforms that I think quite excited. The first is the commitment to what is called the liberal education. Liberal education has several different features, one is that every student is expected to be broad as well as deep, every student is expected to learn the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, mathematics, foreign languages, they are expected to become broadly educated people. Liberal education also means they are expected to develop very powerful critical thinking skills, which mean they are going to be taught using technicals that force them to develop critical thinking skills. It means that we are committed, I said a moment ago, that you do not choose your major before you have chance to test different aspects of higher education. So liberal education is a key part of what we offer.
A second key part we offer is this mobile culture environment. Every Chinese student will have a foreign roommate, every foreign student will have a Chinese roommate, they will be learning in class and outside of class how it is that foreigners think differently from the way Chinese people think, and they will be learning how to overcome differences. And then our students will be sent abroad, they will be circulating around the world and inversing themselves in foreign environments.
All of these things are new in China, and we hope that will be successful. We have optimistic hearts and we expect other universities might be interested in some of them as well.
上海纽约大学校长办公室助理孟晓初(左); 上海纽约大学常务副校长Jeffrey Sean Lehman(中);北京大学教授、重庆大学校长助理《乐观的心》译者荣丽亚(右) [保存到相册] |
搜狐出国主持人:各位网友大家好,今天搜狐出国会客厅邀请到的嘉宾是:美国康奈尔大学前任校长,现任上海纽约大学常务副校长Jeffrey Sean Lehman先生,欢迎您。一同到访的还有北京大学教授、重庆大学校长助理,同时也是Jeffrey Sean Lehman校长新书《乐观的心》翻译者荣丽亚女士、上海纽约大学校长办公室助理孟晓初先生,欢迎您。
SOHU Hostess:Hi everyone. Today we have invited a special guest, Jeffrey Sean Lehman, who is the former President of the Cornell University, Vice Chancellor of NYU Shanghai, and author of the newly published bilingual speech book An Optimistic Heart. Liya RONG, who is a Peking University professor, the assistant president of Chongqing University and translator of the book An Optimistic Heart, and Xiaochu MENG who is the assistant in the president office of NYU Shanghai also come together. Welcome!
SOHU Hostess’s Question for Jeffrey Sean Lehman: we know that the admission of the NYU Shanghai has almost been done, but the process of the admission and how did you recruit students is still a mystery to the Chinese public. Could you please talk about how did you design the admission process and what kind of quality did you require for these students you planed to recruit?
Jeffrey. Lehman(上海纽约大学常务副校长):这是一个非常好的问题。我想当您站在我们的立场时,同样会思考什么样的学生最适合上海纽约大学所提供的教育,接着就会思考如何确定哪些申请人员符合我们所期待的要求。我们比较感兴趣的学生通常是聪明、勤奋、具有很强的好奇心、优秀的英文能力、立志与来自世界各地具有不同文化背景的成员一起共事并做出相应贡献,并且已经准备好做一名积极主动的学习者,因为我们的教学风格要求学生为自己的学习负责。
Jeffrey Sean Lehman(Vice Chancellor of NYU Shanghai):That is a wonderful, question. And I think when you put yourself in our shoes and think about what kind of students will be best for the kind of education that we offer at NYU Shanghai, you have to stop and say how can we learn which of our applicants have all the qualities that we are interested in. We are interested in students who are very smart, we are interested in students who work very hard, we are interested in students who are very curious, we are interested in students who speak excellent English, we are interested in students who have an ambition to work with other people from different cultures form other parts of the world so that they can contribute, we are interested in students who are prepared to be active learners because our style of teaching is the one that requires the students take the responsibility for their own learning.
So when the university look at the candidate’s application files, what they see on paper might be how well they did in the test in school, they might see how well they did in the competitions, what prizes they won, they might see the descriptions that their teachers have for them or their principal have for them. All of that information is very important for us, but it’s not enough. One of the things is very difficult to test, it’s the ability to communicate in English, there are tests of course like TOEFL test, but they don’t really do a good job in showing how well a student can work in an English language environment. Then we need to meet the students so that we have a chance to see the students in person.
SOHU Hostess’s Question for Jeffrey Lehman: Recently we know you just published a bilingual speech book named “An Optimistic Heart” which collects your speech made when you were a president in Cornell University, so could you please tell us why did you pay so much attention to the quality of optimism?
Jeffrey. Lehman(上海纽约大学常务副校长):在人的一生中,即使已经全力以赴,但想要真正做出一番成就依然非常困难,因为有很多事情并不会如自己所计划的那样顺利进行,有时会成功,有时会失败。如果一个人意识到所存在的失败的可能性,那么就会担心,为了使自己免于受到伤害,往往会努力作一番尝试。一个人如果想创新,就需要勇于尝试并直面挑战,而要做到这些,必须要有乐观的心态,内心深处必须有一个信仰,告诉自己是否成功并不能完全确定,但是存在一个非常好的成功的机会,这样可以让自己朝着成功的方向不断前进并且最终干出一番事业。
Jeffrey Sean Lehman(Vice Chancellor of NYU Shanghai):Well, it’s very difficult in life to make contributions because things do not always work out in the way you planed even if you try your best, sometimes things work, and sometimes things don’t work. So if you focus on the possibility of failure and the possibility of things going wrong, you can become afraid and say I don’t want to be hurt, and then you would try. And people need to try if they are going to be creative, people need to try if they are going to innovate, people need to be prepared to take chances, and in order to do that you have to have optimism, you have to have a belief inside that it’s not certain that things will work but there is a good chance that things will work in the way that I hope, and then you can do and accomplish great things.
SOHU Hostess’s Question for Professor Liya RONG: Professor Rong, could you please talk about the reason that you became the translator of this book? What’s your feeling in the process of the translation?
Liya RONG(Peking University professor, the assistant president of Chongqing University):President Lehman and I have known each other for a long time. I knew him in 2001 when I studied in Michigan Law School, President Lehman was the Dean of the Michigan Law School at that time. In 2003, he became the president of the Connell University, and I was the assistant president of the Connell University at that time, therefore, I have many opportunities to hear marvelous speeches by President Lehman in Connell University. During that time, all of the students were very eager to hear the speeches by President Lehman because his speech could bring great spiritual power for all of these students. And then he collected all of these speeches made in Connell University to become a book named An Optimistic Heart. Many people who are engaging in the higher education are reading this book. However, due to the English language problem, a limited number of the Chinese people can read the book. Therefore, we think that if such a wonderful speech book can be translated into Chinese book, more students and more people who are engaging in the higher education can read the book, which can help them to understand how did the President of a world-class top university mange the school, the students and the academic issues.
Here, I also want to express my thanks to President Lehman for his trust to me and let me involve in the translation of his book. I also want to express my thanks to Beijing Sons of China Culture Development Corporation and YU Minhong and ZHOU Chenggang from New Oriental Education and Technology Group, who helped me a lot in translating this book.
SOHU Hostess’s Question for Jeffrey Lehman: Currently it’s July which is a job-hunting season for the university graduates in China. The media has considered this year as “the most difficult job-hunting year in the history”. In your opinion, what kind of university education can make the students become more competitive in the job-hunting process? And in such a competitive environment, how can they remain an optimistic heart?
Jeffrey. Lehman(上海纽约大学常务副校长):我不能保证这本书对同学们找工作能够增加多少竞争力。但是我从心底深处认为对于一个刚从校园走向社会就业市场的大学毕业生而言,要向雇佣单位证明自己立即就能做出一番贡献真的很困难并富有挑战性。我觉得为了向潜在的雇佣单位证明自己能在职场中成为一名优秀员工,毕业生不仅需要展现出其具备胜任工作的技能,并且需要展现出自己良好的精神状态,包括拥有好奇心、待人宽容、渴望学习新事物等。如果一个学生能同时展现出自己在某一专业领域的深度和自己能随着时间而做出相应变化的宽度,那么这个学生看起来会更加具有吸引力。
Jeffrey Sean Lehman(Vice Chancellor of NYU Shanghai):Well, I cannot promise that the book will be helpful in the job-hunting process. But I do think truthfully that it is a difficult time and it’s a challenging time for the college students as they go out into the job market and to present themselves to potential employers as someone who can make contribution right away. And I think in order to persuade an employer that you have what takes to be a good worker in an employing environment,you need to show that you have a skill that you have something which can make you do well, and that you have a spirit about you, you have curiosity, you have a generosity to other people, you have an eagerness to learn. And if you show both that kind of depth in one area and the kind of breadth that means that you will be able to change with the times as you get responsibilities, then you start to look more attractive to a potential employer.
SOHU Hostess’s Question for Jeffrey Lehman::Even this is the first year that NYU Shanghai recruits students, in your opinion, what kinds of advantages that your students will have in the employment environment after their graduation?
Jeffrey. Lehman(上海纽约大学常务副校长):上海纽约大学的学生所进入的学校是世界上有史以来第一所该种类型的学校。上海纽约大学将美国最好大学的优点和中国现存的机遇集合在一起。上海纽约大学旨在将世界各地的学生聚集在一起,为他们提供一个发展智力技能的最高水平的环境,因为他们将与世界上最优秀的老师和同学一起学习。除了知识和技能,他们还要学习如何从不同有角度看待问题,并且学会和来自不同国家、不同的文化的人打交道,从而使他们具备在多元文化的环境里面游刃有余地生活和工作的能力。我们的学生前三年会在上海学习,第四年会在纽约或者其他中国以外的地方学习,这样我们的学生能以其他大学的学生所不具备的方式在世界不同地方学习和生活。
Jeffrey Sean Lehman(Vice Chancellor of NYU Shanghai):Well, students in NYU Shanghai are entering into a university that it’s a very first of this kind in the whole world, it is a university that combines many of the strengths of the best American universities with the very special opportunities that existing in China. Our school is designed to bring together a population of students from all over the world to put them in an environment they would develop their intellectual skills at a highest possible level because they’ll be studying with the best teachers in the world, and they will have the best classmates in the world, and they will also be pushed to learn how people from the different cultures see the world in different ways and they can learn to be effective working in groups that consist of people from many different cultures in many different countries. Our students will study in Shanghai for three years and will study outside Shanghai and outside China for another year probably in New York and somewhere else in the world also will be possible. They will be able to move comfortably throughout the entire world in a way that no student from other university can do.
SOHU Hostess’s Question for Jeffrey Lehman: I have seen some comments online from some experts saying that the admission of the NYU Shanghai might meet with such a dilemma that the students interested in NYU Shanghai will be those who want to go abroad to study but at this moment they can’t be admitted to some top foreign universities, so they might see NYU Shanghai as one step for them to take another leap to other foreign universities abroad, how do think this problem?
Jeffrey. Lehman(上海纽约大学常务副校长):今年我们非常幸运,我们是一个不大的学校,但所受到的关注让我们受宠若惊。在第一年招生我们就收到了五千多份的入学申请材料,但第一届只有300个招生名额,而且其中一半的名额是为中国学生准备的,即只招收150个中国学生。我们所接收到的申请的学生都是我见过的最优秀的中国学生,但是由于名额限制我们不得不忍痛割爱,舍弃了很大一部分非常优秀的中国学生。
Jeffrey Sean Lehman(Vice Chancellor of NYU Shanghai):Well, we were very lucky this year, I must say this is the first year in which we receive applications, we are very small school, and so we were overwhelmed. We had more than 5000 applications for only 300 seats, only half of the seats, only 150 seats were available for students from China. And the students we received were, honestly, the best I ever have seen from students in China. We had to turn away some amazing students who can go to the best universities in China, but we just do not have a room for all the incredible talented students that we have. The students who come to us are exceptional and we will deliver to them the best education in the world. That’s part of the education that they will have to move around the world and study at other parts of New York university’s network. And we expect that the education they receive with us will prepare them for positions of leadership in the world after they graduate.
SOHU Hostess’s Question for Jeffrey Lehman: As globalization becomes more and more obvious, in your opinion, what kind of significance can bring for the university students today?
Jeffrey. Lehman(上海纽约大学常务副校长):记得在我小时候,基本的情况就是世界上每个国家的人们都是在国内跟本国人一起工作和生活,所以我们那时只需学习我们自己的文化和语言就能让自己很好地与周围的人一起工作。但是随着今天全球化的发展,以上那种情形已经消失,人们得学会使用外语与来自世界各地的人们一起工作。 因此我认为,今天人们需要掌握的很重要的一个技能就是双语能力,即除了掌握自己的母语外还要再掌握一门外语。如果母语是中文,那么再掌握一门英语是非常重要的,而且熟练程度要达到母语水平。如果母语是英文,那么再学习一门外语也非常重要,这门外语可以是中文、法语或者其语言,但是不能认为其他很多人都在说英文,所以就没有必要再学一门外语,这种观点是错误的,因为当你具备了双语的能力,你会发现你具备了从不同语言的角度去看待问题的能力,这样会获得更加深刻和清晰的见解,以适应全球化的环境。
Jeffrey Sean Lehman(Vice Chancellor of NYU Shanghai):Well, I think when I was growing up, the assumption in every country in the world was that people would spend their lives working and living with the people from the same country, so we were prepared to learn our culture and our language and to be effective with people who were like us. With globalization today, that assumption is no longer true, people have to be prepared to live and work with other people from other countries, work in different languages. To me, one of the important skills for people today is to be truly bilingual, to have one’s own language and to have a second language. So if your first language is Chinese, it’s crucially important to be fluent in English, to speak just like a native speaker of English, if your first language is English, it’s crucially important to learn a second language , that can be Chinese, can be French and can be something else, but you have to learn a second language, you can’t say that everybody speak English, so I don’t need to learn a second language, the opposite is true because when you are bilingual, you learn that you can see problems in different ways with different languages and that can help you to see things more deeply and see things more clearly as well.
SOHU Hostess’s Question for Jeffrey Lehman: As the development of the internet technology, in your opinion, what kind of influence of the sharing of the excellent education resource can bring for the international education?
Jeffrey. Lehman(上海纽约大学常务副校长):我认为新型网络技术能应用到教育当中具有非凡的意义,将给传统的教育方式带来深刻影响。在过去,标准的教学方式就是面对面授课,典型的课堂就是一个教授在一群学生面前不停地讲课,学生在课堂下面不停地记笔记,记完笔记后就回家复习老师上课讲过的内容。但是现在情况就不一样了,通过现代互联网技术,老师的在课堂上的所传授的知识可以在网络上获得,学生可以通过电脑学习知识,不明白的部分还可以重复学习。这样一些基础知识的学习,就可以通过网络来进行,预习过后来到课堂的学生们就可以成为主动的学习者,学生们可以发言提问、并回答老师提出的问题,学生们成为教育当中的主导者,而不再仅仅是基础知识的接受者。因此可以说现在的新技术提高了学生们的学习效率,学生们可以用更多的时间用于与教授和同学交流、辩论和讨论新观点、在一个团队中共同提高自己的各项技能,新技术使所有这些都成为了可能。
Jeffrey Sean Lehman(Vice Chancellor of NYU Shanghai):I think that the new educational technologies are remarkable and they will transform the way the universities teach. In the old days, the standard way of teaching was to use a lecture, you would have a professor who was very wise and would stand and talk and talk, the students would write and write, and they will go home, and they will try to memorize what the professors have talked, that’s the old way. Currently, the situation is different, all of that information the professor is giving in a lecture can be absorbed online, the lecture can be reported, and then the students can watch it on the computer screen, they can watch it over and over again, if that part they don’t understand. And then when come to school, they can be active learners, they can speak, they can be asked questions by the professors, they can be the ones who are masters of their own education. So what happens to the new technology is that part of what was the way people learned in the old days can be done much more efficiently, and the rest of the time a student has can be devoted much more intensively to interacting with the professors, interacting with other students, debating ideas, testing new ideas, working in groups together in teams learning those skills, all of that is made possible by technology today.
SOHU Hostess’s Question for Jeffrey Lehman: I am wondering whether President Lehman has paid attention to any speech made by the President of Chinese universities. During these years, the speeches made by the Presidents of the Chinese universities in the commencement ceremony have attracted some attention and also caused some disputes. In your opinion, what kind of speeches shall be considered as an excellent speech made in a university commencement ceremony?
Jeffrey. Lehman(上海纽约大学常务副校长):这些问题都非常好。过去一段时间我一直在专注地准备上海纽约大学的开学工作,因此说实话,我并没有很多时间关注中国大学校长的毕业典礼演讲。但是前不久我参加了北京大学深圳研究生院的毕业典礼,并有机会听到了北京大学深圳研究生院院长兼北京大学副校长的海闻校长精妙绝伦的演讲。
Jeffrey Sean Lehman(Vice Chancellor of NYU Shanghai):So these are wonderful questions, I have been very focused on the preparations of NYU Shanghai to open because we are going to begin our teaching in just a few weeks. So I have not had the opportunities to see the graduation speeches of many university presidents. I did have the opportunity just a week ago to attend graduation ceremony in Peking University Shenzhen Graduation School, and I had the opportunity to hear the graduation speech presented by President Hai Wen to the graduates there, which is a marvelous speech. But I have not had any chances to see many other this year.
I do think that a graduation speech is a very special moment for a university president. It is your last chance to retell and speak to your students one more time before they go off into the world. So I believe that it’s a special time to talk with the students, you can’t talk about everything. So I usually pick one thing, one idea that I like to develop with them and use the speech as a chance to show them how one simple idea might make difference in the whole life. So in my graduation speeches, I have spoken about different ideas in different years. So sometimes I have spoken about the virtue of patience, sometimes about optimism, having an optimistic heart, sometimes about the importance of engaging with the people in the world who are different from yourself, sometimes I have talked with them about the importance of the language, and how important this to care about words, these are kinds of ideas that I have talked about in the graduation speeches in years gone by.
SOHU Hostess’s Question for Jeffrey Lehman: Is it possible that you can release a little about the topic you’ll talk in the speech during the opening ceremony of NYU Shanghai University?
Jeffrey. Lehman(上海纽约大学常务副校长):现在只能暂时保密,我希望我们的学生是第一个听到我演讲的人,但是在我演讲结束之后,我会把所有演讲稿都放在我的个人网站上面,到时每个人都能看到。
Jeffrey Sean Lehman(Vice Chancellor of NYU Shanghai):That is a secret because I want my students be the first to hear. I usually then post my speeches online on my website, so afterward, anyone can read them, but the students should be the very first to them.
SOHU Hostess’s Question for Jeffrey Lehman: Recently, we notified some statistics showed that the number of students who took Chinese College Entrance Exam (Gao Kao) is decreasing, and the Chinese students who took American Gao Kao, like SAT, is increasing year by year. But there are many problems caused by the upsurge of the abroad study. For instance, the Chinese students who go abroad become younger and younger, and they don’t know how to choose a college, and the existed difficulties in the job-hunting process after graduation. In your opinion, which of the above problems is the most serious one?
Jeffrey. Lehman(上海纽约大学常务副校长):我认为对于一个学生而言,要规划好如何在外国的大学里度过整整四年的本科时光是一件非常具有挑战性的事情。在我本科阶段,我从美国去到法国游学了一年,这个游学经历对我产生了很大影响。但是如果让我整整四年的学习都在美国之外的大学进行,那么我也会非常紧张和担忧,因为很难获得一些用于确定一个外国大学是否优秀的信息。现在因为网络技术的发展,要获得这些信息已经变得容易很多,但是从网络上获得的这些信息并不是绝对可靠的。因此,对于中国学生而言,现在最大的一个难题就是如何才能获得有关外国大学的准确可靠的信息。对于在中国长大的中国学生要获得有关中国大学的信息相对是比较容易的。因此我建议那些准备送孩子出国留学的家长们,需要花尽可能多的时间,从尽可能多的渠道了解相关信息,对各面获得的信息加以综合考虑,这样才更能确定自己能把孩子送到一个高质量的优秀学校。
Jeffrey Sean Lehman(Vice Chancellor of NYU Shanghai):I think it’s very very challenging to plan to spend one’s entire education as an undergraduate student at foreign university. When I was in college, I spend one year studying outside United States in France and that made a very big difference to me. But I was nervous about the idea of spending all four years outside United States because it’s very hard to get good information about what is really a good school and what might not be a good school from half way on the world. It’s easier to get that kind of information now because of the internet, but the information initially get from the internet is not always reliable. So the hardest problem now is for students of China to be able to get good and reliable information about universities outside China. It’s much easier to get good information about universities inside China if you grow up in China. So my advice to parents when they are thinking about sending their children to study far away is to take a lot of time talk to a lot of people, do not just rely on one or two sources of information, because sometimes those source of information might not be balanced or they might not be well informed. Talk to lots of and lots of people, ten people, twenty people, thirty people, all of whom have real knowledge about places overseas, so that you have confidence that your child is going to a good and high quality institution.
SOHU Hostess’s Question for Jeffrey Lehman: Thank you very much for taking this interview and we are also expecting your new book and also your speech in the opening ceremony of NYU Shanghai.
Jeffrey. Lehman(上海纽约大学常务副校长):参加今天的专访我感到非常荣幸。我想对当今所有学生们说:我非常羡慕你们,因为你们所处的这个时代是人类文明史上最振奋人心的时刻,在当代,来自世界各地的人们正在一起工作以共同解决世界难题,以把世界造就得更加美好。当我还是学生的时候,大家都生活在各自的国家里,没有办法像现在一样和来自世界各地的人一起工作。借此机会,我真诚地祝愿大家能创造出属于自己和属于世界的精彩,谢谢!
Jeffrey Sean Lehman(Vice Chancellor of NYU Shanghai):It is an honor to me to have the opportunity to speak to you. All of you, students today, I envy you, because you are entering a world at a time that is the most exciting moment in the history of human civilization, this is a time where people from all around the world are working together to solve the world’s problems and make the world a better place for everyone. When I was growing up a long time ago, people lived in their own countries, they didn’t work together in a way they can today, they can work today because of the technology, they can work together because of the transportation, they can work together because the world is becoming more prosperous and more fair. I want to offer all of you my best wishes as you are entering in such exciting period in your own lives and entering in such exciting period for the whole world. Thank you very much.